In a heart-wrenching incident on August 18, Bihar’s Araria district was rocked by the cold-blooded murder of journalist Vimal Kumar Yadav. The 37-year-old, hailing from Raniganj, was a dedicated block reporter for the Hindi newspaper Dainik Jagran for several years. Residing near Raniganj market, Vimal Kumar Yadav fell victim to an early morning attack at his residence, where assailants called him out, only to gun him down in cold blood and flee the scene.
Unexpected Culprits from Behind Bars
The shocking factor in this case lies in the identities of the prime accused, both incarcerated in different districts. Rupesh Yadav, one of the alleged murderers, is imprisoned in Supaul jail, while Kranti Yadav is behind bars in Araria jail. Intriguingly, the assailants are believed to have orchestrated the murder remotely, coordinating via a mobile phone with a SIM card registered under a different name. Additionally, seven others have been apprehended in connection with the crime: Madhav Yadav, Arjun Sharma, Santosh Ram, Vipin Yadav, Bhavesh Yadav, Ashish Yadav, and Umesh Yadav.
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Motive Behind the Murder
The police investigation has identified several factors that contributed to the murder of Vimal Yadav. These include his refusal to compromise on the case related to the murder of his brother, Gabbu Yadav, his unwavering determination to provide testimony, and longstanding enmities. Vimal’s younger brother, Shashibhushan Kumar, also known as Gabbu, had been elected Sarpanch of Belsara Panchayat in 2016, at the young age of 25. Although Gabbu had a criminal history prior to his election, his role as Sarpanch marked a turning point as he distanced himself from criminal activities.
An anonymous source familiar with the situation revealed that in 2019, Madhav Yadav, brother of Kranti Yadav, was assaulted by the then-Sarpanch Gabbu Yadav following a motorcycle snatching incident. This incident fuelled tensions, and Gabbu’s verdicts in various cases further aggravated criminal elements in Belsara. Tragically, during the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, Gabbu Yadav was shot dead by five armed assailants on motorcycles in broad daylight. Journalist Vimal Yadav was slated to testify in this case, but he too met a grim fate just hours before his scheduled testimony.
Old Parents and Vulnerable Children
The murders of Vimal Yadav and Sarpanch Gabbu Yadav have left a heart-wrenching aftermath. The bereaved families now grapple with the profound loss of both sons. In wake of this, they leave behind elderly parents, two widows, and three young children.
Vimal Yadav’s son, Abhinav Anand, is a ninth-grade student in a private school in Raniganj, while his daughter, Roma Kumari, is in the eighth grade. On the other hand, Sarpanch Gabbu Yadav’s son, Gyan Prakash, attends second grade in a local village school. However, due to mounting threats, the family fears for Gyan Prakash’s safety and has refrained from sending him to school or allowing him to play outside.
Harendra Prasad Singh, Vimal Yadav’s father, revealed that he had searched for employment for years after completing his DE. Led degree. Frustrated by the lack of opportunities, he ventured into journalism. Shockingly, Vimal received a meager monthly salary of just three thousand rupees from his organization, highlighting the challenging circumstances faced by journalists in the region.
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